Upac has decades of experience working with clients on customised plastic bags to suit their applications. From wheelchairs, to ingredient portioning to specimen bags we’ve designed bags to suit a variety of specific client needs.
Our client reached out to us requiring a bag that would comply with new legislation that came into effect in June 2022. The legislation introduced mandatory button battery safety and information standards. These standards included that button batteries must have additional warnings and emergency advice on the batteries, packaging and instructions.
Upac customised a 150 micron thick, heavy duty, LDPE bag that included an additional, centre seal. This allowed for the individual components of their product to be separated. The bag also featured a four colour, flexographic print with safety warnings and iconography.
The heavy duty nature of the bag reduces the risk of accidental puncture, or the chance that a child may inadvertently access any components.
The choice of flexographic printing process offers a high quality print result, with low production costs. This is a cost effective solution that avoid issues with alternate printing processes such as a ‘halo effect’. Low VOC inks can also be used to improve the environmental sustainability of the bags. Not only are these bags designed to keep children safe, they’re also better for the environment. DURAPLAS bags are 100% recyclable.
Upac offers a range of a DURAPLAS low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags. Each bag can be customised to suit the size required and can be custom printed. Seal options include self seal, press seal and heat seal. Additional options include the tint/bag colour and micro perforations.
Looking for a more customisable bag? We custom manufacture bags of any size, thickness or style. Please contact for expert support and advice.