Our Commitment to a Greener Future

At UPAC, we understand the critical importance of protecting the environment while delivering innovative, high-performance bag solutions. Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. By embracing eco-friendly practices and offering cutting-edge bag solutions, we help food manufacturers reduce their environmental impact without compromising on durability, quality, or food safety.

DURAPLAS Plastic Bags are 100% recyclable. The printed Duraplas bags you use are not just bags; they are symbols of responsible recycling and reuse decisions.

 These bags feature clear recycling symbols, a visual cue that guides you towards making the right choice. These symbols are not just markings; they are a call to action and a reminder of your role in reducing the chances of the bags ending up in landfills.

DURAPLAS Our Brands Logo

What Do the Recycling Symbols on Packaging Mean?

Understanding Recycling Symbols

Knowing what packaging you can recycle and where can be confusing. Most packaging may include a combination of recyclable and non-recyclable components. We’re pleased to include easy-to-recognise recycling symbols on printed DURAPLAS plastic bags.

These symbols are more than just markings. They are your guide to preventing recyclable materials from ending up in landfills. By simply looking for these symbols and following the guidance on the label for each packaging component, you’re not just a consumer; you’re an active contributor to a greener tomorrow. You are part of the solution.

This symbol recognises the bag as a quality, Duraplas plastic bag. It directs consumers to where they can find more information about recycling Duraplas.

This symbol provides information about which parts of the packaging can be recycled and which should be disposed thoughtfully.

These symbols provide specific codes for the plastics used in the individual packaging components. The symbols also show which components should be disposed of in general waste.

How can I recycle DURAPLAS plastic bags?

Recycling Made Easy

Recycling your DURAPLAS plastic bags is simpler than you might imagine. Many local councils now offer soft plastic collection programs as part of their household recycling efforts. Additionally, services like Recycle Smart and Curby provide hassle-free collection for a wide range of products, including plastic bags, electronics and clothing.

You can book a collection with just a few clicks online, contributing to a cleaner, greener future.

The Journey of Recycled Plastic

Once soft plastic has been prepared for recycling and turned back into pellets by companies such as Polymer Processors & APR Kerbside, the transformation begins with manufacturers such as Martogg & Co, Replas, and Plastic Forests.

These companies create a variety of outdoor furniture and other products that give your plastic bags a second, and even a third life, demonstrating the tangible impact of your recycling efforts.



At the core of DUROPLAS success is UPAC, a company driven by an unwavering passion for product development. With over 50 years of experience in flexible packaging materials, manufacturing processes, recyclability, and understanding customer needs, UPAC has transformed the plastic bag industry, particularly for food contact applications. 


Our groundbreaking DURAPLAS GREEN range of sustainable plastic bags and films incorporates up to 75% recycled content. This innovation underscores UPAC’s dedication to advancing sustainability and addressing the pressing issue of plastic waste in Australia. 


Join us in our mission to provide sustainable plastic bag solutions. Together, we can make a significant difference for the planet. 

Learn more about
soft plastic recycling

Polymer Processors is one of the largest plastic recycling facilities in Australia. Since 1987, Polymer Processors have been constantly working to divert plastic waste from landfill by using state-of-the-art machinery that is designed to wash, extrude and pelletise various types of post-consumer and post-industrial waste.

APR operates a Biofabrik WASTX operation system that transforms waste plastics such as multi-layer films into high-quality, energetically usable products. Each of these units can process up to 1000kgs of recycled plastics per day.

Martogg and Company have been manufacturing and marketing polymer compounds, engineering and commodity resins and recycled plastics for the Australian plastics industry and export markets since 1975. Their combined annual capacity for Recycling and Compounding stands at over 100,000 tonnes.

Plastic Forests manufactures a wide range of quality, sustainable products, such as fence posts, bollards, underground cable covers, wheel stops, and durable GreenMongrel® garden products. Plastic Forests provides a circular economy solution for soft plastics that typically end up in landfills.

Replas Recycled Plastic Products Logo

Replas is an Australian leader in mixed recycled plastic manufacturing. They provide a viable solution for plastic waste. For more than 30 years, Replas has been producing over 200 durable outdoor products.

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